How to Measure a Door Jamb in 3 Simple Steps?


Are you planning to replace your old doors with new ones? If so, it's important to measure the door jamb accurately to ensure a perfect fit. A door jamb is the vertical part of the door frame that holds the door in place when it's closed. Measuring it correctly is crucial for choosing the right size of doors. In this article, we'll show you how to measure a door jamb in three simple steps and explain why accuracy matters.

Definition of Door Jamb

A door jamb is a vertical part of the door frame that encases the edges of a door panel and holds it securely in place when closed. It's usually made of wood or metal and comes in different sizes depending on the width, height, and depth of the doorway.

Importance of Measuring Door Jamb

Measuring a door jamb is essential for choosing doors that fit perfectly into your doorway. If you don't measure accurately, you may end up with doors that are too big or too small, which can cause air leaks, drafts, or security issues.

Brief Overview of the 3-Step Process

The three-step process involves measuring the width, height, and depth of your doorway using simple tools like a tape measure and level. By following these steps correctly, you'll be able to choose doors that fit snugly into your doorway without any gaps or misalignments.

Now that we've covered what a door jamb is let's move on to step one: measuring the width.

Step 1: Measure the Door Frame Width

When it comes to measuring a door jamb, accuracy is key. The first step in this process is measuring the width of the door frame. This step is essential to ensure that you choose a door that fits perfectly into your existing frame without any gaps or unevenness.

Preparation: tools needed

Before you begin, gather the necessary tools for this task. You will need a measuring tape, pencil, and paper to record your measurements accurately.

How to measure the width

Start by measuring the distance between the inside edges of your door frame from left to right. Make sure you measure at three different points: top, middle, and bottom of the opening. Record each measurement on paper.

Common mistakes to avoid

One common mistake when measuring door jambs is assuming that all sides are equal in size. This assumption can lead to choosing a door that doesn't fit properly in your frame and may cause problems like air leaks or difficulty opening and closing.

Another common mistake is not taking precise measurements at all three points (top, middle, and bottom). If you only measure one side of the jamb or neglect one point, it could result in an uneven fit for your new door.

Importance of measuring width correctly

Measuring the width correctly ensures that you select a door that fits perfectly into your existing frame without any gaps or unevenness. Choosing an ill-fitting door can cause problems like drafts or difficulty opening and closing, which can be costly to fix over time.

When selecting a reliable plywood supplier like Pheitan Wood with 17 years of experience in providing high-quality products can help ensure you get accurate measurements for your project needs.

In conclusion, taking accurate measurements is crucial when replacing doors or installing new ones in your home's interior or exterior spaces. By following these steps carefully and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure a successful and seamless installation process.

Step 2: Measure the Door Frame Height

When it comes to measuring the height of a door jamb, you need to ensure accuracy to avoid any issues with installation. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Preparation: Tools Needed

Before you start measuring, make sure you have the following tools on hand:

1) Tape measure

2) Pencil

3) Level

Having these tools ready will make your job easier and more efficient.

How to Measure the Height

To measure the height of your door jamb, follow these steps:

1. Place your tape measure at the bottom of the jamb and extend it all the way up to the top.

2. Make sure your tape measure is straight and level.

3. Take note of the measurement in inches or centimeters.

4. Write down your measurement on a piece of paper.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common mistake people make when measuring door jamb height is not using a level tool. This can result in an uneven installation and cause problems with opening and closing doors.

Another mistake is not measuring from top to bottom or bottom to top consistently, which can lead to inaccurate measurements.

Importance of Measuring Height Accurately

Measuring door jamb height accurately is crucial for finding the right door that fits perfectly into your space without any gaps or misalignments. It also ensures that your doors open and close smoothly without any obstructions.

At Pheitan Wood, we understand how important accurate measurements are for successful home improvement projects, which is why we offer high-quality plywood products that are reliable and durable.

When you choose us as your plywood supplier, you can rest assured that our products will meet all your needs and exceed your expectations.

Step 3: Measure the Door Frame Depth

When it comes to measuring the depth of a door jamb, it is important to have the right tools on hand. You will need a tape measure, a pencil, and a level to ensure accuracy. Before beginning, make sure that the door frame is free from any obstructions that could interfere with your measurements.

To measure the depth of the door frame, start by placing your tape measure at the front edge of the jamb. Extend it back towards the wall until you reach the point where the jamb meets the wall. Take note of this measurement and mark it down on your notepad.

One common mistake when measuring depth is failing to account for any trim or molding that may be present around the door frame. Make sure you take this into consideration when taking your measurements.

Accurately measuring depth is crucial because it allows you to choose a door that will fit snugly within its frame without any gaps or spaces. This ensures proper insulation and security for your home.

When looking for reliable plywood suppliers like Pheitan Wood, accurate measurements are important in ensuring that you get exactly what you need for your home improvement projects. With 17 years of experience in providing high-quality plywood products, Pheitan Wood can help make sure that your project goes smoothly from start to finish.

How to Measure a Door Jamb in 3 Simple Steps? - Pheitan Wood's Guide

By following these simple steps and taking accurate measurements of your door jamb width, height, and depth, you can ensure that you choose a door that fits perfectly within its frame. And with Pheitan Wood as your reliable plywood supplier, you can rest assured knowing that you have access to top-quality products and expert advice every step of the way.

Using the Measurements to Choose a Door

When it comes to choosing a new door, accurate measurements are crucial. Understanding how to measure a door jamb is the first step in finding the right door for your home. Here's what you need to know:

Understanding the Door Jamb Size

The size of your door jamb will determine what size door you need. To measure the jamb width, use a tape measure to measure from one side of the frame to the other. For Pella doors, be sure to measure both sides of the frame as they may not be equal.

To measure the height of your door jamb, use a tape measure to measure from the top of the frame to the bottom. Again, be sure to take measurements on both sides of the frame.

Finally, measuring depth is important as it will determine how thick your new door needs to be. Measure from the inside edge of one side of the frame to its opposite side.

Finding The Right Door For The Jamb

Once you have accurate measurements for your door jamb, it's time to find a new door that fits properly. There are many options available depending on your needs and style preferences.

For example, if you're looking for a patio door that allows plenty of natural light into your home, consider a sliding glass or French-style patio door. Alternatively, if security is a concern, look for doors with reinforced frames and locking mechanisms.

Common Door Options Available

There are many types of doors available on today's market ranging from traditional wooden doors and steel doors with insulation properties through aluminum-framed glass doors and fiberglass composite doors that offer durability and energy efficiency.

Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks depending on your specific needs and preferences.

Benefits Of Using Accurate Measurements To Choose A Door

Using accurate measurements when choosing a new door ensures that it fits properly and functions as intended. An ill-fitting door can cause drafts, energy loss, and even security issues.

Additionally, choosing the right door for your needs can increase your home's curb appeal and overall value. By partnering with a reliable plywood supplier like Pheitan Wood, you'll have access to high-quality doors that are sure to impress.

Understanding the Door Jamb Components

When it comes to measuring a door jamb, it's important to understand the different components that make up this crucial home feature. Here are some key things to know:

Definition of Door Jamb Components

The door jamb is made up of several parts, including the head jamb, side jambs, and threshold. The head jamb is the horizontal piece at the top of the door frame, while the side jambs are the vertical pieces on either side of the frame. The threshold is located at the bottom of the frame and provides a seal between the interior and exterior of your home.

Different Types of Door Jambs

There are several types of door jambs available on today's market, including wood, vinyl, steel, and aluminum options. Each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks when it comes to durability, energy efficiency, and cost.

Materials Used to Make Door Jambs

The materials used to make door jambs can vary depending on your specific needs and budget. Wood is a popular choice for its classic look and natural insulation properties. Vinyl is another common option due to its low maintenance requirements and affordability.

Why Understanding Door Jamb Components Is Important

Understanding how your door jamb is constructed can help you choose a replacement that fits seamlessly into your existing space. It can also help you identify any potential issues with your current setup that may need to be addressed before installing a new door.

When it comes to measuring for a new door jamb or replacement Pella doors specifically, accurate measurements are crucial in ensuring a proper fit for your home improvement project. By following our 3-step process outlined earlier in this article, you can ensure that you have all of the necessary measurements needed when shopping for new doors.

As an experienced plywood supplier with over 17 years in business, Pheitan Wood understands the importance of quality materials and accurate measurements when it comes to home improvement projects. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional contractor, we offer a wide range of high-quality plywood products to help you get the job done right.

So, whether you're looking to upgrade your patio door jamb or simply need to replace an old and worn-out door, taking the time to understand the components of your door jamb and accurately measure for a replacement can make all the difference in ensuring a successful project.


In conclusion, measuring a door jamb accurately is crucial when choosing the right door for your home improvement project. The 3-step process of measuring the width, height, and depth of the door frame ensures that you get the right measurements for your door.

Accurate measurements are important because they help you avoid costly mistakes such as buying a door that doesn't fit or having to make adjustments to the frame. By using reliable tools and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure that your measurements are precise.

Pheitan Wood is a reliable plywood supplier with 17 years of experience in providing quality materials for home improvement projects. Choosing a supplier like Pheitan Wood ensures that you get high-quality materials that will last for years.

By using the knowledge gained in this article, you can improve your home improvement projects by making informed decisions about choosing doors and understanding door jamb components. So go ahead and measure that door jamb accurately – it's worth it!