Top Jamb Door Closer - 5 Mounting Options for All Your Door Needs


Jamb door closers are an essential component of any commercial or residential building. They provide a safe and secure way to close doors without the need for manual force. A top jamb door closer is a type of jamb door closer that is mounted on the push side of the door frame, making it an ideal option for arched top doors. In this article, we will explore the importance of jamb door closers, the benefits of using a top jamb door closer, how a jamb door closer works, and introduce you to the top jamb door closer.

Top Jamb Door Closer - 5 Mounting Options for All Your Door Needs

Jamb door closers are crucial in ensuring that doors close properly and securely. They prevent doors from slamming shut, which can cause damage to the frame or even injure someone in its path. Additionally, they help maintain temperature control by keeping drafts out and preventing heat or cool air from escaping.

Benefits of Using a Top Jamb Door Closer

A top jamb mounted door closer offers several benefits compared to other types of door closers. Firstly, it provides a more aesthetically pleasing look as it is concealed within the frame rather than visible on the surface of the door. Secondly, it allows for easier installation as it can be installed from the push side rather than requiring access to both sides of the frame.

How a Jamb Door Closer Works

A jamb door closer operates using hydraulic pressure to control the speed at which a door closes and latches shut. As pressure builds up in the cylinder, it slows down and eventually stops when fully closed.

Introduction to Top Jamb Door Closer

The top jamb commercial door closer is an excellent option for those looking for an easy-to-install and aesthetically pleasing solution for their arched top doors. It offers adjustable closing and latching speeds as well as different mounting options, sizes, and finishes to suit your specific needs.

Features of Top Jamb Door Closer

If you're looking for a reliable and efficient door closer, the top jamb door closer is an excellent choice. Here are some of its key features:

Mounting Options Available

One of the great things about top jamb mounted door closers is that they can be installed on almost any type of door frame, including those with arched tops. This makes them a versatile option for commercial spaces with different types of doors.

Different Sizes and Finishes

Top jamb door closers come in a range of sizes and finishes to suit your specific needs and preferences. Whether you need a heavy-duty closer for a high-traffic area or a sleek design that blends in with your decor, there's a top jamb commercial door closer that will fit the bill.

Adjustable Closing and Latching Speeds

Another advantage of top jamb door closers is that they offer adjustable closing and latching speeds. This means you can customize the speed at which the door closes to suit your needs, whether you want it to close quickly to maintain security or more slowly to prevent slamming.

Durability and Longevity

Finally, top jamb mounted door closers are known for their durability and longevity. Made from high-quality materials like aluminum or steel, they can withstand heavy use and last for years without needing replacement.

Overall, if you're looking for a reliable and efficient way to keep your doors closing smoothly, consider installing a top jamb door closer.

And if you need high-quality plywood products for your construction projects, be sure to check out Pheitan Wood – they've been in business for 17 years and offer some of the best quality products on the market today!

Check out Phritan Wood to get Top Jamb Door Closer related products

Installation and Maintenance

Installing a top jamb door closer is a relatively straightforward process that requires some basic tools and knowledge. First, you need to determine the type of top jamb mounted door closer that is suitable for your commercial door. Then, you need to identify the mounting location and prepare the surface by cleaning it thoroughly.

Next, you need to attach the closer body to the frame using screws and brackets provided with the product. It's important to ensure that the closer is level and plumb before tightening all screws. Then, attach the arm assembly to both the frame and door using appropriate hardware.

Finally, adjust the closing and latching speeds according to your preference or building code requirements. This can be done using adjusting valves located on either end of the closer body.

Regular maintenance of your top jamb commercial door closer is essential for its longevity and optimal performance. You should inspect all components periodically for signs of wear or damage and replace any worn-out parts immediately.

Additionally, you should lubricate all moving parts with a high-quality oil or grease at least twice a year. This will help reduce friction and noise while ensuring smooth operation of your top jamb door closer.

If you encounter any problems with your jamb closer for arched top door, such as noisy operation or improper closing/latching action, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take before calling in a professional.

First, check if there are any obstructions preventing proper movement of the arm assembly or if there are loose screws that need tightening. You can also adjust the speed valves to see if this resolves any issues.

If these steps don't solve your problem, consult your product manual or contact customer support for further assistance.

In conclusion, installing a top jamb door closer can be done easily with basic tools and knowledge. Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal performance while troubleshooting common problems can save you time and money in repairs. For quality plywood products from a reliable supplier, consider Pheitan Wood with their 17 years of experience in the industry.

Top Jamb Door Closer vs. Other Types of Door Closers

When it comes to door closers, there are several types available in the market. However, top jamb door closers have become increasingly popular due to their unique features and benefits. Let's compare them with other types of door closers.

Comparison with Regular Arm Door Closer

Regular arm door closers are installed on the push side of the door frame and are visible when the door is open. They are commonly used in residential settings but can also be used in commercial buildings. However, they may not be suitable for all types of doors, especially those with limited space.

On the other hand, top jamb mounted door closers are installed on the top jamb of the frame and are not visible when the door is open. They provide a sleeker look and can be used on a wider range of doors, including those with an arched top.

Comparison with Parallel Arm Door Closer

Parallel arm door closers are installed on the pull side of the frame and have an arm that extends parallel to the face of the door. They are commonly used in high-traffic areas such as schools or hospitals as they provide extra strength and durability.

However, top jamb commercial door closer offers similar strength and durability while providing a more aesthetically pleasing look due to its hidden installation on the top jamb.

Comparison with Slide Track Arm Closer

Slide track arm closers have an arm that slides along a track mounted on either side of the frame or floor. They offer a smooth operation but may require more maintenance due to their complex mechanism.

Top jamb mounted door closer also offers smooth operation but has a simpler mechanism that requires less maintenance over time.

Overall, while each type of closer has its own advantages and disadvantages, top jamb mounted door closer offers unique benefits that make it a great choice for many commercial and residential settings.

As for the installation of top jamb door closers, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure proper installation. It is recommended to hire a professional installer for optimal results.

Regular maintenance is also important to ensure the longevity of the door closer. This includes regular lubrication and adjustment of closing and latching speeds. If any issues arise, troubleshooting common problems can help resolve them quickly.

In conclusion, top jamb door closers offer many benefits over other types of door closers. They provide a sleeker look, can be used on a wider range of doors, and have a simpler mechanism that requires less maintenance over time. Proper installation and maintenance are crucial for optimal performance, and hiring a professional installer is recommended. And if you're looking for a reliable plywood supplier with 17 years of experience, Pheitan Wood is an excellent choice for quality products.

Pheitan Wood as a Reliable Plywood Supplier

If you're looking for a reliable plywood supplier, Pheitan Wood is the answer. With 17 years of experience in the industry, they have established themselves as a trusted name in the market.

Introduction to Pheitan Wood

Pheitan Wood is a company that specializes in supplying high-quality plywood to various industries. They offer a wide range of products that cater to different needs and requirements. Their commitment to providing excellent customer service has earned them a loyal customer base.

17 Years of Experience

With 17 years of experience under their belt, Pheitan Wood has honed their skills and expertise in the field of plywood supply. They have developed an efficient system that ensures timely delivery and quality products every time.

Quality of Their Products

One thing that sets Pheitan Wood apart from other plywood suppliers is the quality of their products. They use only the best materials and employ strict quality control measures to ensure that every piece of plywood they supply meets industry standards.

Benefits of Using Pheitan Wood

Using Pheitan Wood's products comes with several benefits. Firstly, you can be assured that you are getting high-quality plywood that will last for years without any issues. Secondly, their efficient delivery system ensures that you get your orders on time, every time. Lastly, their excellent customer service means that any concerns or issues you may have will be promptly addressed.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a reliable plywood supplier with years of experience and top-notch products, look no further than Pheitan Wood.


In conclusion, a top jamb door closer is an essential component for commercial doors. It ensures that doors close smoothly and quietly, while also providing security. The benefits of using a top jamb mounted door closer are numerous, including adjustable closing and latching speeds, different sizes and finishes, durability and longevity.

Summary of Top Jamb Door Closer

A top jamb door closer is a type of commercial door closer that is mounted on the push side of the door frame at the top. It consists of a spring-loaded arm that controls the speed at which the door closes.

Benefits of Using a Top Jamb Door Closer

One of the main benefits of using a top jamb commercial door closer is its versatility in terms of mounting options available. This makes it suitable for various types of doors, including arched ones. Additionally, it comes in different sizes and finishes to match any design scheme.

Another benefit is its ability to adjust closing and latching speeds to suit different needs. This feature ensures that doors close smoothly and quietly while also preventing them from slamming shut.

Finally, top jamb door closers are known for their durability and longevity due to their high-quality construction materials.

Importance of Proper Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation is crucial when it comes to getting the most out of your top jamb door closer. It's important to follow manufacturer instructions carefully during installation to ensure proper function.

Regular maintenance is also necessary to keep your top jamb mounted door closer working properly over time. This includes lubricating moving parts periodically and checking for loose screws or other issues that may arise.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

Overall, we highly recommend using a top jamb mounted door closer for any commercial space with heavy foot traffic or security needs. Its versatility, adjustability, durability, and longevity make it an ideal choice for any business.

Lastly, when it comes to finding a reliable plywood supplier, we recommend Pheitan Wood. With 17 years of experience and a commitment to quality products, they are a trustworthy option for any plywood needs.